Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Chapter-5 Beware of crocodile tears.

I made up my mind twice that the person is not suitable for me. But that person kept on coming back with fake tears. That person lies a lot without any limits. Pretends to be someone else, pleases everyone to get the job done, always has a complain and more. That person disrespected me once with a leftover food. But at one point after lot of quarrels and headaches, I felt very low. Because this person was completely a new human, which I never expected. Wrong decision, my inner conscience was right. I made the right decisions in the starting. But due to some manipulation and tittle-tattle from others. I thrown my self into a misfortunate nuisance situation. But that was a whole different experience, I've seen my friends falling in to these kind of situations, but never expected that this will happen with me. Ha ha 😆😂😋.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Chapter-4 Rubik's Cube

Life is like a Rubik's cube. Difficult at first, but with constant practice and determination it gets better.
~Jonathon Godwaltd

During the time when I was very low.. not able to focus on studies, lost confidence in talking to opposite sex.. During that time my GYM activities supported me a lot. It helped me to get back on track. For more focus and distraction I started this new activity. I.e. Solving Rubix Cubes. For 2 days continuously, rigoursly I accomplished in solving my first 3*3 Rubix cube. That was a great day for me. My fingers were paining, I had to apply medicine after that exercise. This accomplishment gave a significant level of distraction to me and appreciable focus. Then I started solving Triangle cube, 3*3 Mirror Cube and 2*2 cube one after another.

It was great experience, I won't sleep until I catch the point. I would prefer others to try these activities as a distraction task not as a mandatory job. Every body have their own interest, they have to look for it everywhere and identify the correct one. Perform the activity if you feel like to do before continuing otherwise look for something else. That's it. Peace out✌🏽.